Tag Archives : christmas dinner


Add this easy recipe to your next roast

Stuffing makes everything better! This week my local radio have been discussing ‘foods that make a roast’ so I thought I would play along and really think about it! Of course, everyone has different opinions but you have to have stuffing right? The thing with stuffing is, do you have crisp and crunchy or soft and whatever the opposite of…

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Seasonal Sprouts Ideas to fall in love with!

Seasonal Sprouts Ideas to fall in love with! Yes, it is the season of Brussels sprouts and most people I’ve discovered are missing out on these delicious little balls of nutrition! These seasonal sprouts are packed with Vitamins C, K, and A, B6, magnesium, manganese, phosphurus and also contain protein, fibre, iron and calcium! Okay, so I get that they…

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