Tag Archives : Great British Pie Week

Puff pastry pie

Make an easy delicious fruit pie!

Pies! This week we’re going sweet! Of course, you can have savoury pies and have them for dinner (or lunch), but today we are going easy and sweet! I already have several pie recipes on here, but this one is a bit different! Okay, so maybe you have a different name for this, but pastry and a filling is pie…

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Pie week… DEGF Caramelised onion, potato and bean pies.

Pie week… DEGF Caramelised onion, potato and bean pies (Yes, they really are Dairy, Egg & Gluten free!) I had seriously forgotten how much I liked loved pies! The light but crisp crunch of the pastry breaking away to reveal a delicious mouthful of pure complimentary tastes. The meatiness of all that food in one bite (without the meat!) but…

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Dairy & Gluten Free Vegetable Pie for Great British Pie Week

Dairy & Gluten Free Vegetable Pie for Great British Pie Week Pies! Not something I eat very often I must admit! All that calorific pastry full of dairy, gluten and usually eggs too! Yesterday I was quickly checking my emails, when ‘Great British Pie Week’ caught my eye so I thought why not create a healthy tasty nutritious pie to celebrate!…

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