Tag Archives : healthy diet

U = Undecided!!!

U = Undecided!!! It’s not often I can’t make up my mind about something… or is it?! 😛 All through this A-Z Challenge I have found it relatively easy to post each letter, but ‘U’ ? How many foods begin with ‘U’? There is ‘U’pside down cake which would take a long long time for me to DEGF (Dairy. Egg.…

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Sleepy Sunday :-) post Valentines lay in!

Sleepy Lazy Sunday! <3 What day do you get a lie in? I know it was actually Valentines day yesterday, but this is a Valentines weekend! <3 What did you get? Flowers? Chocolates? Dinner? A surprise weekend away? Jewellery? A proposal??? Breakfast in bed? Sunday is actually the only day where I ‘could’ have a lay in… but if your body clock is…

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Award Day! Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award Well would you believe it! Jennie at VeganMiow nominated my blog for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award (TSOTWBA). I love Jennies blog as she has some super delicious recipes on there and they are all vegetarian (& vegan) friendly. 🙂 Anyway, awards (I have discovered) are a fantastic way to get others…

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