Tag Archives : #Veganuary


A weekend breakfast idea everyone will love

Pancakes! At the moment as the weather in the UK is very cold (-5c this morning) then porridge is generally my go to breakfast. I serve it with fruit, yogurt, a sprinkle of mixed spice and cocoa and often a splash of milk. Sometimes though, it is really nice to switch things up a bit and as I still wanted…

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chinese new year

Tasty Ideas for Chinese New Year.

Year of the Rabbit. Chinese New Year is a time for celebration and delicious food, and as it falls in Veganuary this year, you will probably discover several new plant-based options in the shops that are perfect for this special occasion. However, if you wish to make your own special feast, have a look at these ideas. What is Chinese…

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slow cooker

Love your slow cooker

Make it easy! A little bit of simplicity to make our days easier is something we can all do with from time to time. If you are yet to buy a slow cooker – or dig it out from the back of the cupboard, you really should think about it! A slow cooker is just as it says – it…

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penne pasta

Back to Basics: Quick & Easy Pasta everyone can make

Easy Pasta One of the foods cooked most often in my house, is probably pasta. At least once, if not two or even three times a week, pasta is requested! When you are short of time and want something quick, easy, cheap and filling, pasta is the answer! Any type of pasta can be used, just use whatever you have.…

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red soup with yogurt and pumpkin seeds

Try this healthy warming carrot and lentil soup for #veganuary

Soup Weather, perfect for Veganuary For those of us in the UK, the weather is definitely cold enough to be classed as soup weather! I already have several soup recipes on here, but this recipe is a new one I have recently created and taken a liking to! The Soup Recipe This recipe has a base of carrots and red…

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fail to plan logo

Happy New Year, Resolutions or not? and Veganuary

Goodbye 2021! At last 2021 has come to the end! For some it may have whizzed by like many another year, but if you sit and think of everything that has happened this year… you may find it has indeed stretched on for far too long! Those who know me will know the trials and tribulations that have come with…

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red and green falafel on a wrap with salad

Amazing colourful falafel you will love and need

Amazing colourful falafel you will love and need Colourful and falafel are not words I’ve put together before, but you will definitely love these and need to make them again! Falafel is one of those foods which conjures up summery images: long summer days; music festivals and pitta bread served from a street stall stuffed with numerous salads and sauce.…

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tofu in a star pastry case

An easy tofu recipe, 3 ideas for you

An easy tofu recipe, 3 ideas for you I realise tofu is something you might not think as for you, but have a look at this recipe before you dismiss it all together. I have created a delicious easy dish which you can use in 3 (or 4) different ways! Fantastic! Have a look here… What can I use the…

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